Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday announcements

  • I will only be recruiter until we reach 250 candies because then it would be too many ( of course ill accept more after 250 but not that easy )
  • the chan designing will only be on mondays from now on and there is the best outfit made by alexa the theme was office worker
  • ill be post an application sheet for anyone who wants to be a candie model ( i'll post it soon ;)
  • We have over 120 candies thanks for joining everyone
  • Remember to have fun 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cushi its Ryleigh I just wanted to let you know I wont be on line play for a few days because I'm getting a new phone and I don't have storage to update line play so it won't let me play. If you would just let everyone know for me that would be great! Thanks!~ Ryleigh
